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Monday, January 24, 2011

He Calls Me Into His Secret Place...

When I originally started this blog I knew what I wanted to blog about... my daily devotions with God, my crafts and my life but I didn't really know how they all really related (other than the obvious) until this weekend, until God gave me direction. I went to a community wide ladies retreat this weekend, it happens once every year and is a true blessing, to me it's a honeymoon with the Lord. I get to get away, I am able to leave all the labels I have been given at home... "mother", "daughter", "wife" (although I don't currently know where that one is leading...), "friend" and just focus on being with my Beloved. So many beautiful things happened this weekend but the point of this post is to talk about a certain one. The lady who speaks at the Ladies Retreat is an amazing Godly woman named Vicki Tipps. A great artist, prophet and spiritual mother. I am sure she has so many other gifts that God has given her, but I have personally witnessed those three. She flows freely in the gifts our wonderful God has given her and blesses everyone around her. She is an inspiration to me, especially in her art. It is a way of worship for her, which I feel is the direction God is leading me to with my art as well. As His creation, we have been called to worship Him in all of our ways and in all we do, which would include the gifts He has given us, for me one of my gifts would be the gift of art. So now I understand how my life, my crafting and my daily devotion time all relate to each other... through the God who has given me all of it. I look outside the window at my parents home and I see God there, simply in the beauty of a flower, a tree, the gravel... to the naked eye it is simple but when you are finally able to see the art of the creator, there is a certain Awe, a certain depth of Awe that we cannot find anywhere else. I see my Beloved a lot of places but it seems like since He has given me a new direction, I see Him even more now. He's there, very present in our every day lives, our every breath, all we need to do is be open to Him.  After I came home from the retreat, I was looking in my old journal and came across this picture with a journal entry. It just reaffirmed everything God had been showing me this weekend, not just with my art but with my other every day life things. Oh how He loves us.

Look at the snow on the mountain... He knows just how much snow and perfectly positioned all of it where it is. Look at the trees... He counted out each leaf, each needle and put them there, arranging them perfectly. The branches have been measured, perfectly covered with bark. The mountains... He knew exactly how high and how wide to make them. How many grains of sand and exactly where to put the grass. He knows how to position the clouds every second of the day abd which shape each one will be in. When it rains, he counts out each rain drop, where exactly it will land and when. He knew where the road would be paved... the breaths of each wind and how long it lasts. He positioned everything, counted everything, planted everything, made the perfect soundtrack to go with it and made all of this just for you. Imagine back in the old, little house on the prarie days. Your husband spends countless days, hours, days, nights, weeks and months making the house you wanted. Not for himself but as a gift for you. He'd be happy as long as you're with Him, loving Him, spending time with Him. He made the house just to see a simple smile on your face, that look in your eye and just to show you His love.
Don't be afraid to take a walk with Him, to spend time with Him, to talk to Him. Everything He does He does it for you.

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