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Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I have to begin by apologizing for a second introduction entry, I have an iPhone in which I will be making the majority of my posts on because where I am living right now there is no Internet connection. When I hit "save" on the first blog entry it took me back up to the top and I could not scroll back down. Anyway, back to the resolutions...

2011 New Years Resolutions/Lifestyle Changes
1. Begin each day with a warm cup of coffee and a book, giving my day to God. - I have noticed that whenever I start and end each day given it to God it makes my life richer. Some of the craziness starts to make sense, not because it actually makes sense but because God provides a peace that surpasses understanding. Things become smoother and everything else is okay because my trust is in Him. Granted there are so many ways to get close to Him but reading happens to be one of them.

2. Start cooking from scratch again. - I used to do this all the time, especially with italian food but due to certain circumstances I have not been able to lately. I love cooking and love doing it from scratch especially when it comes to randomly putting thins together... it's definitely a fun learning experience.

3. Come up with fun, creative ideas including crafts and games for family night. - Growing up my parents would put together puzzles with my brother and my mom would find crafts for us to work on but we never really played games together, my dad was just never really into it. Now days for every holiday we get together and play games which is so much fun. My sister-in-law bought my son animal dominoes for Christmas and he loves playing them. I also bought him a package of crayola magic dough which he loved playing with. I love being a hands on mom and not depending soley on cartoons or my son to entertain himself. I personally think creating crafts and playing games together will help with bonding time. He also loves cooking with me!

4. Challenge myself creatively and follow through with projects - Lately I have been letting my creativity rest. I will come up with ideas, create the blueprint but never follow through with them. It has been a while since I have seen a finished product. You should have seen my house for Christmas, I decorated the tree and hung up a few things outside but that's it. It doesn't help that I couldn't get ahold of most of our decorations until a few days before Christmas but to not decorate at all, that is so not me! Growing up with a mom whose creativity was constantly flowing whether it was drawing, writing poems, interior decorating, making jewelry or just creating things she always had a project going on. She inherited the gift from her mom and I inherited it from my mom so I really don't have any excuses, which brings us to resolution #5...

5. If I can make it myself then do not buy it retail. - I think this one is self explanatory and will also save me a lot of money.

6. Start advertising event planning company 'Pollywogs & Toadstools' as well as creating an Etsy store. - I have a passion for event planning, especially little kids birthday parties and baby showers but love planning events in general. I originally was in the process of launching a company called 'K. Kennedy Events' using my former last name but since it is no longer my last name, well that company name simply won't do. I love the new name though. I need to make business cards and start advertising. I need to go from probono party planning to professional. As far goes, as I mentioned previously I am going to be finishing projects. As I finish them, if it is something I can sell, I will be selling it online.

So there they are, my 2011 New Years Resolutions/Lifestyle Changes and now here is my blog... Pollywogs and Toadstools, a blog made to show my journey through fulfilling my New Years Resolutions and turning them into Lifestyle Changes. Here I will blog hopefully on a day-to-day or at least 5 days a week basis. I will laugh, maybe cry, create and hopefully celebrate as I go on this journey. Goodnight everyone, goodnight my future followers!

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