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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb, a reward." Psalm 127:3

This being my first blog entry I believe I owe my future readers an introduction, a sneak peek into my life and my vision for this blog "Pollywogs and Toadstools".
To start off, I am a mother of one amazing little boy named Miles. He is 2, very smart and one of the main highlights of my life. There's a quote, "To the world you are just one person but to one person you may be the world." - unknown Well, I would like to believe the feeling is mutual. As a single parent, other than the family that I grew up with (parents, brothers etc) and those few friends that I love enough to consider as family, he's all I have, just him and I. On that note, I have not created this blog to write about depressing things so I will not go into why it's just the two of us.
In order to really get into the "depth" of the purpose of this blog, let me list my 2011 New Years Resplutions which I intend to not only follow through on but continue on with even past 2011. Instead of goals they are more like lifestyle changes.

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