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Monday, February 14, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I want to sincerely apologize for taking forever to post again... life is getting more busy than usual and I am still trying to balance everything out. Last week I was working night and day (well, in the free time that I had) towards getting a collage book finished. I am only half way done and have taken a break, other things are requesting my time right now but once I get a free moment again I will pick it back up. I am hoping to have it done within the next week or two so I will desperately be looking for free moments. I will upload pictures and post them later to show you guys my work so far. They may not look like it but each page does take some time to finish.Anyway, I wanted to check in for now and let you know I have not completely abandoned this blog, I am just having a hard time finding free time right now.

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