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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Long Overdue...

So needless to say... it has been a while since I last posted.
To be honest, it is somewhat easier for me to keep up with facebook so I have been posting there a little more.

It seems that each day goes by faster than the previous and I can't seem to get everything done in that time span of the day. I have a baby shower coming up and I have tons of projects left to do.
I need to...
- finish the chalk board I started a while ago (attach paper flowers and birds)
- Make at least a dozen fabric flowers
- Paper birds to cut out to hang
- Pictures to order
- Picture frames to repaint (I painted them aqua and turquoise, the bedding changed and so now there will be no blue in the shower... I am thinking of just getting new frames instead of wasting paint since that was the last of my turquoise)...
The baby shower is in 10 days, which my days get cut short on Wednesday & Thursday because on Wednesdays I babysit my niece at the church, on Thursdays I am part of Ahava's Healing Center.
Wednesdays = my income so I cannot give that up and on Thursdays, well, I am fully committed to Ahava's so there is no chance of me missing that.

Other than baby shower stuff I still have TONS of things left to do.
- Finish the book I was making for my husband (things are not getting better between us BUT I still want to give this to him.
- Work on birthday party stuff for Miles' (it is in June but as fast as these days have been going by, June will be here by tomorrow)
- Get some more prints made for my company
- Create a patio lounge area in the front yard (we have pretty much all that is needed for that except for a few small tables and a few benches/love seats).
- Again, I am sure there are some things I am overlooking

Anyway, here are a few projects that I have finished lately...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Gorgeous Dress...

Working on my collage art, I have been going through wedding magazines for pictures, etc. On top of that, I am still subscribed to wedding blogs. I have been exposed to gorgeous wedding gowns and have done a lot of "hypothetical daydreaming" lately. Now, keep in mind if I were to ever put on a wedding gown again, for whatever reason, it will be a while from now... most likely YEARS but I still had my "ideal" dress in mind. I've already done the big ball gown

There are better pictures of the dress, I just cannot find them right now

and thought I wanted something more simple... maybe something like the dress from Estee Lauder's Beautiful ad. Paired with the right pair of stilettos and a nice, chunky pearl necklace it would be beautiful!

However, last night I found this and in my opinion it is PERFECT, especially for a chic country wedding/vow renewal.

Anyway, enough with the hypothetical daydreaming...

Monday, March 7, 2011

So Many Projects So Little Time...

Okay, my new "goal" is to blog at least once a week, at least until I can get things less chaotic and other things (like my company) launched. I have so many projects that I need to "conquer" within the next few weeks. 

1. Goody Bags for a little girls birthday party (my step daughter). She is having a fashion themed birthday so I will be making fashion sketchbooks for the girls (meaning I need to create 20 journals just to be safe), fabric flower hair accessories, the goody bags, etc

2. "Happy Birthday" banner as well as bake and decorate her birthday cake.

3. My brother and sister-in-law just moved into their new house. As a house warming gift my sister-in-law asked for a picture frame jewelry "holders". Well, since the one I originally started making for her has chicken wire as the background, it will be difficult to hang her necklaces so I will be making two jewelry "holders". One with chicken wire used as the background, the other with cork and fabric. I need to disassemble, paint, assemble and decorate the thumb tacks. 

4. On top of them moving into their new house, they are also expecting their second baby very soon. I am in charge of throwing her baby shower which I have not organized yet. It will be at the end of the month so I need to step it up!

5. My sons birthday party is coming up. He will be 3 in June, which, yes I know is 3 months away but if you knew how involved I get in party favors, decorations, etc I need to start working on the projects just to be safe. The theme is Toy Story, but using the colors blue, green & white. The theme for his party last year was Cowboy Carnival, so to use Woody as the theme would be too close to last year. Woody is his favorite so trust me, he will not be overlooked. I need to make capes, the rockets the capes will be in, decorations, etc. I am having a hard time finding boyish scrapbook paper that I like in blue and green, most of them have other colors like orange, red or yellow thrown in.
My inspiration for the rockets I will be putting the capes in

6. Products for my company... I need to get this in gear! I also need to get started on my business cards, store websites, etc. It's not that I haven't been wanting to get to work, I haven't had the time to do so lately. I need to make the time though.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Snow Days...

Growing up, snow was an extremely rare thing where I live but for the last few years we have been getting snow at least one day, sometimes even longer. As a mom, I get to see the great photo opportunities this bring us, unfortunately, with a busy busy schedule I wasn't able to turn it into an hour + photo shoot. On top of that, all I had on me was my iphone but here are the pictures that were taken. Think of these as more of spur of the moment, non-photo shoot pictures because that's what they are. I was not trying to go professional, just capture my son and my niece having fun in the snow.
     I also snuck in some non-snow day pictures. Oh, and notice the patches of snow... yeah, that's Texas for you. When it snows it will cover the whole land, last overnight then the next morning all of it melt away except for the patches in shaded areas. It's also usually not even cold enough for a jacket the next day.






We couldn't find his gloves







Collage Pictures...

It is currently 1:10am and I cannot sleep. My son is asleep and I really should be headed in that direction as well but I cannot help but think about life. How much it is changing, the things I am having a hard time accepting, the things I wish I could change (wouldn't that be in the same category?) and the things I have learned to deal with. Don't get me wrong, in certain aspects, great aspects, my life is fabulous! I have an amazing amazing amazing 2 almost 3 year old whose knowledge is well past his years and could out charm just about any baby gap model, I am extremely grateful for him... that being an understatement. I also have know an amazing God in whom I serve and walk with daily. My family... some very great amazing people. In the grande scheme of things I have so much to be grateful for including my health but every now and then, like tonight, I have moments where this whirlwind called marriage, or lack there of, gets the best of me. We are still undergoing the process called divorce. You may think it would be easy... only my current husband makes me feel like I am in a bipolar relationship. Maybe there's a reason I feel this way? Like... a legitimate reason? One second he's sweeping me off my feet, promising me things only his promises are only for today, not tomorrow. By tomorrow I mean the rest of our lives. I have been feeling like to him I am good enough for him today, but not forever. It hurts, oh dear Lord it hurts. Seven years... that's how long we have been seeing each other. That's how long I have been dedicated to this man, seven years. I wouldn't change a day of it for the world but when I got married I thought it would be one of those forever kind of things. I love him enough for that. Lately I have been feeling like to him I am not even worth today. We have been fighting like crazy lately, over stupid things. Well, to me their stupid simply because they don't need to be fought over. He doesn't see my heart or my intentions, only what he assumes I mean. I can only imagine who I am in his mind... it's not the real me.
Anyway, I originally started this post to finally show you guys the collage prints I completed (although I need to finish the book). The book was supposed to be his valentines present, unfortunately it is not done yet, 25 more pages to go. Here are the current pages that I have finished. It was hard making them for someone else, a guy, him in general. If it was done for me, I know what I like and what I don't. I am just hoping he looks at this book and doesn't throw it in his closet never to be opened... I guess it's a chance I am taking.